Feature overview


Weather widget

Ads won’t warn you about forthcoming storm, an early snow or icy roads, but Adlesse will. Be prepared to any weather conditions with the Weather Widget.


Local news

Stay in the loop of the current events. Follow the latest news with The News Widget.


Twitter widgets

Find out what's up with your Twitter friends, keeping an eye on your feed wherever the Internet takes you.


Famous quotations

As Abraham Lincoln once said: "The problem with quotes on the internet is you never know if they are genuine.” Adlesse guarantees that only veritable ones make it into the Famous Quotations Widget.


Interesting facts

Become a brain box with the Interesting Facts Widget. Improve your erudition and get ready to blast everyone on the next ‘Game night’.


Interesting links

Statistically a random computer user constantly visits only 3 websites on the average. Expand your horizons with the Interesting Links Widget.


Holidays widget

This widget will remind you of approaching notable and festive dates, including national, international and religious holidays.